Wednesday, October 10, 2007

night cycling...

woohoo... just home not long ago.. went cycling with Jan... ermz.. yes.. on a tuesday night.. weird right... haha.. we usually go on either sun night cause i got no work and she got no school the next day or fri night... anyway... she said she wanted to go cycling i was like.. ok i also wanna go.. haha...

reached her house 7+ 8.. then we headed to bukit timah... some of the things that happened...

- i cycled up 2 slopes without stopping...
- i had blurred vision after conquering the 2 slopes...
- i puked... YES! i puked.. just at the grass patch of the cross junction... and jan was like so worried.. haha
- we sat just at the cross junction... really giddy..
- after puking and resting.. i was ok.. and we continued on...
- reached the food place... decided on hong kong food...
- since i puked everything out... i ate... haha...
- stopped and look at the train... and yeah! jan lost the bet... *evil grinz* haha... :p
- and back home

anyway after conquering the 2 slopes i wanted to tell jan.. "hey we should do this again next week so we can build up our stamina so we can conquer CBD..." but before i could say that i felt like puking and saw double and blurred vision... and i told her... i feel like puking... so i got down the bike... pass the bike to her... walked to the grass patch.. *puked* *puked* everything just came out... haha...

she say i'm very weak recently.... my leg problem... blah blah blah.. always have problem... anyway... i'm ok la.. :p

i gotta go sleep... gotta wake up at 5.45am... eh... do u think i can? :p

bye bye... :)


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