Friday, March 31, 2006

accompanied mao for her job interview...
they bluffed her...

reach SGH...
she was scared of her interview...
i was scared too...
not for her... haha...
but because of hospitals...
i just have a fear of hospitals... i dun like hospitals
i just dun like being in there...



after that went bugis with miss maoz...

had lunch cum breakfast cum dinner... (actually not dinner one lah... but.. when i went home i wasn't hungry) but now i AM! but just drank milo...

i wanna buy alotz of things!!! boooo

wondering if my mum is gonna give me part of the money! wahaha...
government is giving the dunno wht money right...

my sis told her... you would be getting $XXXX
i asked her... she ignored me...
i asked again.. she ignored me...
i asked again... she asked me how to read the english word...
i asked again... she asked me how to read again...

i give up... haha...
hope she give lah...


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