Monday, March 27, 2006



yeah... i'm sick...

woke up with my throat super pain...

went church... reach church.. talked.. and found out that my voice changed!

and after church

back home.. i keep sneezing non stop...

running nose...

throat - probably cause of the durian i ate yest...

flu - i dunno leh...


human's love for human = always changing (not referring to all lah)

human's love for God = it will change too...

God's love for human = forever the same...

it just came to my thought just now... so.. yea...

i wanna go learn driving.... checked out the price le... private...
$24 for 60mins...

but my sis got another contact.. can ask tht too... then see how...


Select 5 people to pass the love on:pass the love? =_=
1) shee rui, tan..... :p
2) mao mao
3) cindy... (ermz.. but i think u did on ur blog b4)
4) rhys
5) celine...

Here it is:
What were you doing 10 yrs ago?
16 - 10 = 6 yrs old
k2? wahahaha.. ermz.. yah.. hehe..

5 songs that u know the lyrics right off the top of your head:
1) who am i
2) majesty
3) how great is our God
4) jia gei wo
5) dunno... le

5 things you would do if u were a millionaire...
1) missions... to let the world know about God!

5 bad habits:
1) sleep late
2) late
3) lazy to go out buy food if i'm at home... i'd rather not eat.. hehe

5 things i like doing:
1) reading bible
2) hanging out with friends
3) listening to music

Things that u'll nvr buy, wear or get a new one again?
1) gb officer uniform
2) gb officer tie

5 fav. toys:
1) astro boy stuff
2) trombone... (if i could get one..hur hur)
3) camera.. (still waiting...)
4) laptop
5) hp?

ok... done...


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