Tuesday, February 21, 2006

busy & headache

today was... ahhh!!! my class is at the 4th level... and i went up and down dunno like how many times...

1 go up class in the morning...
2 went down to mobil to buy food cause canteen too many people...
3 went up the slope to osc ask for my transcript.. but they say not there yet.. ok.. went up to class...
4 emailed help-registrar and told them i need my transcript urgently!!! then went down with liming to photocopy the documents...
5 went back up to class... checked email... then say transcipt ready... ok...
6 went down with chinkeong to take transcript... they say cannot take! haven pay library fine.. ok...
7 went library... paid the fine...
8 went back osc again.. finally collected my transcript...
9 went to photocopy auntie there.. but not open... test printer so cannot photocopy...
10 walked back to library wanna photocopy.. photocopy machine spoil!!! ahhh!!!
11 went back class again... settled down wanted to start doing work.. marilyn came say.. can sealed the doc just give the transcript can request for transcript again.. so ok.. i sealed up the doc..
12 liming say hungry... ok.. so accompany her to eat..
13 the speedpost man came so went to osc gave him all the 8 envelope and ok.. i requested for another copy of my transcript! and.. the guy say... MUST PAY $10 cause i took b4 le! then i was like HUH!!!! $10 for that piece of paper!!!!?!?! then the guy say is dr elwis say one... then i say.. u help me print he also dunno.. then he say.. but i know.. then i aiyah... then he say.. what's ya name? haha.. he so good... so i told him my name.. and he helped me print... haha...
14 finally i went back to class! and when i wanted to do my work.. my fac came! then she say... are ur ready? i look at the time 1pm.. then i asked jq.. 3rd meeting starts at 1pm? then she ya.. then i was like HUH!!!! i haven do my work!!! rushed.. completed my ppt in 10mins... phew... and the ppt was the main thing of the day lah...


Blogger Joan said...

hey, blog address changed to http://secret-playground.blogspot.com/

from joan`

2:09 AM  

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