Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a day at home...

rotting at home... not actually... haha...
firstly i wanna say sorry to ah lian... she reach my house at 730 to get the band room key from me... and i was sleeping la... sorry.. cannot hear... then my house got no door bell.. then at 8 my sis say someone looking for me.. then i was like oh no... then she got ut somemore... sorry sorry... oh no... i just found out she reach school at 855.. test was 830... i feel super bad lah.. sorry sorry... arrggg... huilian dun kill me!!!

was supposed to go ktv with justin lah.. hey justin yew if u happen to see this... i never fly u aeroplane this time... is u!!!! never even bother to call or sms back!!! u liar!!! booo!!!


was supposed to meet meiyan to go out... but i wait till i dun feel like going out le... so cancel.. hehe..

so was at home.. doing up the write up for the youth camp games... did the design of the sweet wrapper thingy for the youth thingy...

and the rest of the time was playing games... online game, playing game with daniel.. haha.. :p

was searching for more games.. and guess what i found this website.. it's super dumb lah... =_=" stupid lor...


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