Monday, August 15, 2005


alright.. i'm back.. botc for this week ended...

it was ok... the games were fun and had meaning behind it.. some of the thingy today were kinda boring.. the dunno wht fund ar... dunno whtever..

had alot alot alot of laughing for the 2day and 1 night.. why? because got auntie janette.. wahaha.. she very funny one leh.. we are seated in tables.. and our table is the most noisy one.. with lotsa of gigglings and talking when the hq ppl were toking... paiseh sia.. wahaha...

then got once very paiseh lah.. the person ask our table one qn.. then something happen.. and we all burst out into laughter... and never answer her qn.. u can see how embarassing it was.. but it was fun...

8 of us altogether from 76th company... me, auntie janette, huiling (eh.. she got new name.. wanna know? wahahahah), candice, clara, pamela, denny and meiyin...

ok.. next week gotta go back.. for fri and sat.. fri is kinda sianz.. after school still must carry the stupid laptop.. walk all the way..

we gotta do 1 national project.. hmmm.. hope it wouldn't be too tough.. cause me final yr.. i want to chiong next sem... :)

woohoo!!! this week schedule...

mon: school (java) = (sianz), meet for fyp...
tue: school (stats) = (super sianz), band (hehe..)
wed: still duno yet.. submission of fyp...
thur: school (econs) = (still ok), band
fri: school (finance) = (tough.. cause confirm rj have to think like siao), botc
sat: morn gb? then botc...
sun: church.. :)

ok.. gotta sleep.. will i be late for school??? i guess so.. haha.. shirley moh....


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