Saturday, June 04, 2005

pon school

hohoho.. i pon school yest.. it's the last day of school and it's like we are like so sianz of the fac lah.. cause our own fac did not come so she came to take over... so we decided to pon.. haha.. me, jq, jasmine and yisha from another class haha...

went kbox @ cine.. fun! haha... stupid things that we did there.. firstly we went there and we are looking for a room with more plug.. then jas went to ask the person u have any room got alot of power plug one? then i was like.. so paiseh lah.. she really go ask.. then the person give us the blur look.. u know why we wanna have alot of plug? we wanna charge handphone and power for our laptop.. haha... ok nevermind.. so 2 power plug one for the tv and another one for the machine.. so i took out the multi plug that liting pass to me before we left.. and guess wht? the multi plug spoil lah.. still got sparks come out.. then i was like oh no.. then also cannot use.. so nvm we continue to sing.. till later we decided to take out the multi plug but the tv plug is 2 pin one... then cannot go inside then we were like oh no.. panic panic.. then try to plug in but still cannot...

then yisha think of stupid reason she say.. tell the person when we wanna take the phone accidentally trip off the wire.. then i was like -_- dun wan lah.. then she already pick up the phone ask for service le.. then the person help us ok.. continue sing...

at the last hour we all become mad.. took some pix... try to upload if i can... ;)

eh... never go handball camp.. cause i woke up late.. and later going cell.. so.. yah lor.. sorry ah.. chinkeong and boshi.. haha... :p dun kill me pls... i at least got contribute right? i help u think of some games.. :p

ok.. tht's all.. woohoo.. alot of show in my comp.. now my comp left with less than 1GB haha.. i must faster watch.. :p


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