Monday, May 23, 2005

tertiary retreat

woohoo.. here i am to blog after a 3 days 2 nights of retreat at aloha loyang.. :)

woke up then went to GB.. yeapz.. then after tht we went lunch at lot 1 together.. then went to buy some retreat stuff.. then headed home.. totally drenched cause it was raining super heavily.. after tht.. packed my stuff for retreat... then took a cab to GC... abit late lah... nvm.. then after worship we headed to aloha... hmm.. after tht.. had dinner (pizza) and then worship and sharing :) after tht me, pekhar, sabrina, emiko had a nice time of sharing in our room.. yeapz.. too bad rhys and leticia not there... eh.. had a nice time disturbing pekhar and mama.. but i really cannot get into sleep.. haha

i was the first to wake up at 7.. cause cannot get to sleep... then headed to bath... then wait wait wait.... then headed to church.. haha.. had a nice time when we were in the coach playing the game... "didi tui" game.. haha.. so fun.. hahaa.. can see who is slow and who is fast... played till we reach church... after church, me, emiko, pekhar, sab went to emiko house... help her do her project... eh.. i never helped much.. just with the powerpoint... then i went to sleep! haha.. though the position i was sleeping was very uncomfortable... but it's still a very nice nap... then mama and pekhar was lie helping her draw... then after tht headed back to chalet... then we had bbq... alot of food sia.. cannot finish! after tht... went to bath.. then wait to have sharing and worship.. and then wait for them play basketball come back... and the sharing was like at 12+? then everyone was like so tired lah... thanks to tracy.. cause she slept while raymond was sharing... then it's like everyone was like laughing.. then raymond say.. ok.. we are ending soon... cause he tok like 10min+? he still at point 1 after tht.. too tired le.. then went to sleep.. never really disturb mao and mama.. haha...

woke up at 10+ then had breakfast.. then had a time of worship.. then 1155 headed to take the coach and then to pasir ris.. to start our game... starting of the game already make my group laugh like siao.. cause our leader.. candice... haha.. our group got... pekhar, caroline, sier papa, junhong & calvin.. first thing... we are suppose to say a cheer.. and it goes like.. gimme a 'O', gimme a 'N' gimme a 'E'... *continue.. know wht candice do? first time... 1, 2, 3 start.. candice shout:"'O' stands for?" then we laugh until peng lah... she anyhow go change... 2nd attempt... "gimme a 'O'", "gimme a 'E'" -_-" where is the 'N'... candice dunno how to spell ONE! haha... and she say O then E for 3 times? wah... peng lor... one time say wrong still never mind... still 3 times.. faint sia...

during the game... wah.. only us the gals.. running and all tht lah... the guys was like.. so slow.. we run run run.. then they walk slowly behind... then got one time.. we run run run.. then we look back.. eh.. the guys gone... then went we going to call them.. they slowly walk towards us and guess wht? sier bought lychee!!! arggg.. we are like running running and they go buy lychee.. run here run there i also tired sia... alot of funny things happened when we playing the game... some i laugh till peng... think till brain juice also no more.. haha... but we went back fist... :) after the games.. me, pekhar and mama went back then pack our stuff then went back home.. :)

brb.. i go edit the photo tht mama send me then can upload let u all see.. :)
*click for bigger image :)
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ok done.. :)

tomolo school...


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