Tuesday, August 28, 2007


went to vivocity...

watched Jesus Camp.. hey.. janice... sorry arh... didn't know it's like a documentary... sorry if you think that i have made u waste 10bucks... sorry...

anyway.. the show is about the kids how they bring up the kids... and it's really quite cool though... they are like 12, 9? and they are really passionate about God.. and this guy Levi, he was asked to preach in front of all the kids... i think he's just 12!

hmmm.. yeah....

shop around... spen around $200 today...

bought my shoe.. like finally... haha... @ $128... can see the design here...
bought a lanyard... $12
ORANGE!!! mouse... $20
things from daiso... $14
marche... $20
movie tix... $10
hotdog combo... $7

total... ..... ... $211

woohooo!!! haha... ok.. lalal.. i'm mad...

gotta go sleep... oh no.. going to be 1am!!!!

ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! WORK!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
*i dread work now.. work as in the work... but the place is ok... *


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