Tuesday, August 28, 2007


went to vivocity...

watched Jesus Camp.. hey.. janice... sorry arh... didn't know it's like a documentary... sorry if you think that i have made u waste 10bucks... sorry...

anyway.. the show is about the kids how they bring up the kids... and it's really quite cool though... they are like 12, 9? and they are really passionate about God.. and this guy Levi, he was asked to preach in front of all the kids... i think he's just 12!

hmmm.. yeah....

shop around... spen around $200 today...

bought my shoe.. like finally... haha... @ $128... can see the design here...
bought a lanyard... $12
ORANGE!!! mouse... $20
things from daiso... $14
marche... $20
movie tix... $10
hotdog combo... $7

total... ..... ... $211

woohooo!!! haha... ok.. lalal.. i'm mad...

gotta go sleep... oh no.. going to be 1am!!!!

ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! WORK!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
*i dread work now.. work as in the work... but the place is ok... *

Saturday, August 25, 2007


how contradicting can a human be?

saying one and doing another thing...

and when it doesn't happens... you hope that it happens... but when it happens.. you doesn't want to face it...

weird aren't they?

anyway... just a thoought... :)


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


i guess raymond "jackpot" on one of the point...

week in and week out, during service you are so busy with everything can you really worship God?

it might be one of the reason, ok... though we always says that it's not only on sunday that we meet God... but it still make a difference...

every week i am just running around, before service making sure the announcements are ok... the projectionist are ok (*although it doesn't really matters to me, but i dunno? just part of me?*)

it really affects....

help me to draw close to YOU...

i finish reading this book... one thing that struck me was... the author's son told his dad... if u wasn't a Christian, i think i won't be a Christian... and the dad asked why... the son said.. there's so many doubts and questions in our life... dad said.. yes.. doubts and questions i have that too... and after moments of silence, the dad asked.. so what do you think you're going to do?

the son said... "Well, I've met God, so what can i do?"

have we met God today? yesterday? last week?
... or when was the last time you met God?

Monday, August 20, 2007

*confused* *weird*


it's been a long time since i walked in the rain... not in a rush.. not running... but just walking and just enjoying the raindrops falling on me...

it was a great feeling... *am i weird?*

so many things happening... and i dunno.. mixed feelings about everything...

frankly speaking... every sun.. after service... i'm just tired... especially when i need to talk to certain ppl... it just drains me off...

i find it tough to worship... to listen to the WORD...

i feel myself drifting away... i know it.. i knew it... i dunno what i can do... i prayed.. i asked... or maybe i'm not sincere... i dun mean what i ask... work has overtaken me...

bring me back to the heart of worship once again....

how do u feel... doing things that you know it's wrong?

ahhhh man... *confused*

i dunno what my heart wants... *or maybe.. i shouldn't ask what my heart wants.. but.. God what do you want my heart to wants?*

Friday, August 17, 2007

oooo lala...




eh... 1...2...3...4...5...6...7..years of friendship?!

should be know you from sec 2 bah... in band... haha... or sec 1? haha...


we went to fish&co to celebrate...
--- they make her go on the stage to sing.... love me... she seems quite calm about it... :)
--- they make her stand on the chair while the crew and us sing happy birthday song to her...
--- they make her blow her candle from the chair without bending her body... (*i told her.. it's good to be short, or else the distance from her mouth to the candle would be further!*) :)
- we make her ask for the fish&co crew's hat!
- i shouted twice at the bus stop to wish her a happy 21st birthday!

:) hey friend.. hope you have enjoyed your day! :)

i went back to sac to look for jan who is "working" hehe...
helped out abit... dunno wht to help though... then we went to supper again... but i never eat lah... super duper ultra mega full le...

and... uncle kevin send us back home... :) THANK YOU!

and and and... thanks JAN for helping me to go adelphi to develop my film... and to go to wisma to collect my phone! THANKS! :)

okok... it's sleeping time... :) BYE!

*oh man! dun tell me... i.... *

Sunday, August 12, 2007

fri - sun... WOOHOO!!!


Friday stayed in SAC till 2+AM!!! was with janice and kevin.... initial plan was to meet janice to go and buy a dry cabinet and to just walk around then head home...

then Kevin have to stay till the ppl come to set up the tents... so we went dinner together.. and he started telling us about the different COOL places in SAC... and so the curious me and janice wants to see where the places were.. so we went around till like 10+

then i told jan that.. ok we shall leave at 11pm...


we stayed around at CWC... had coffee.. and we started talking... talk talk talk... talk about lotsa of stuffs... and.. guess what.. the time is like 1+ le lor... and so seeing that the ppl are finishing the tents so we waited till everything was done... woohooo... the first time i stayed in ike SAC till so late... ok although the other time stay over night lah... :) but it's diff!!!

and so... left at 2+ and weeee... we went supper... at st. andrew's centre there...prata! and then headed home...

and guess what 3+ am in the morning and on the road there's a jam!!! oh man! cause they close 2 lanes out of 3! and lalalalala... got home at 4+... bathe and then immediately went to sleep...

woke up at around 10.. cause my cousins were talking.. then i heard their voices so i just wake up...

and that was when i was really lack of sleep...

sat... had our cell at jon's hosue... i slept while watching the show... too tired...

and after that weee.... headed down to marina went kbox to celebrate Daniel's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL!!! :) and so after that they wanted to watch movie... but i really dun want... and i'm not feeling well... and i sure would sleep... so we went to sit somewhere outside marina and started talking...

11+ i wanna go home... but they dun want!!! so continue to talk talk talk.. then till 1+ i really cannot le lor... lying on the floor sleeping le lor... so i say.. i really wanna go home le!!! haha... sorry for being a spoilsport... haha.. but really very tired... next time ok... when rpws concert that day... :) i try to make it....

reached home, bathe, immediately SLEEP!! tired!!!''

woke up at 7... and then headed down to church... hmmm.. i dunno why..got some certain feelingss.... hmmmm.. see how...

then meeting.. meeting... then went jack's place...

headed home... then immediately i really mean IMMEDIATELY i went to my bed and sleep.... i know i'm dirty but i'm really tired...

i put down all my stuff and i lie down on my bed and zzzZZZZzzzz

okok... gonna sleep again le.. haha.. BYE!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007


hello.... i'm back here to blog once again... :)

last week has been a tiring week!

today.. i'm VERY VERY :@

this person X makes me super :@

was like running around doing things... then i asked X to do something cause it belongs to X's ministry... then X say... can you go and take it down... i say.. no... i got other things to do... can you ask ur people to help u... and i dunno where they put... then X say we got meeting... then i was like... !!! i wanted to say we haven eat leh...

in the end i say.. ok.. i take down then i walk off... *angry!* thank God for this person Y who help me... hmphf... BOO.. bully me... X got so many ppl to help him then i only got me and mao... BOOO!