Wednesday, April 18, 2007


why do people think the way they think?
why do people behave the way they behave?
why do people say the things that they say?

factors that affect them?
1. environment - the literal setting.. is it in office or @ home, familiar or unfamiliar?
2. personality - is the person introvert or ex? calm or anxious? excited or dull? etc
3. social factors - the people he is reacting to: close or distant? friend or stranger? ppl ard him or her when the behavior was performed: in private setting, at home, or public, in school
4. the TYPE of behavior: habit or novel? trained or untrained? regular or irregular??
5. the motive of behavior: reactionary? planned? underlying meaning?
(*thanks to eric)

what is on the minds of babies?
and eric says.. babies dreams too!!! interesting right... woohooo...


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