Friday, March 31, 2006

accompanied mao for her job interview...
they bluffed her...

reach SGH...
she was scared of her interview...
i was scared too...
not for her... haha...
but because of hospitals...
i just have a fear of hospitals... i dun like hospitals
i just dun like being in there...



after that went bugis with miss maoz...

had lunch cum breakfast cum dinner... (actually not dinner one lah... but.. when i went home i wasn't hungry) but now i AM! but just drank milo...

i wanna buy alotz of things!!! boooo

wondering if my mum is gonna give me part of the money! wahaha...
government is giving the dunno wht money right...

my sis told her... you would be getting $XXXX
i asked her... she ignored me...
i asked again.. she ignored me...
i asked again... she asked me how to read the english word...
i asked again... she asked me how to read again...

i give up... haha...
hope she give lah...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

i wrote something.... should i post it out... i dunno...

Monday, March 27, 2006



yeah... i'm sick...

woke up with my throat super pain...

went church... reach church.. talked.. and found out that my voice changed!

and after church

back home.. i keep sneezing non stop...

running nose...

throat - probably cause of the durian i ate yest...

flu - i dunno leh...


human's love for human = always changing (not referring to all lah)

human's love for God = it will change too...

God's love for human = forever the same...

it just came to my thought just now... so.. yea...

i wanna go learn driving.... checked out the price le... private...
$24 for 60mins...

but my sis got another contact.. can ask tht too... then see how...


Select 5 people to pass the love on:pass the love? =_=
1) shee rui, tan..... :p
2) mao mao
3) cindy... (ermz.. but i think u did on ur blog b4)
4) rhys
5) celine...

Here it is:
What were you doing 10 yrs ago?
16 - 10 = 6 yrs old
k2? wahahaha.. ermz.. yah.. hehe..

5 songs that u know the lyrics right off the top of your head:
1) who am i
2) majesty
3) how great is our God
4) jia gei wo
5) dunno... le

5 things you would do if u were a millionaire...
1) missions... to let the world know about God!

5 bad habits:
1) sleep late
2) late
3) lazy to go out buy food if i'm at home... i'd rather not eat.. hehe

5 things i like doing:
1) reading bible
2) hanging out with friends
3) listening to music

Things that u'll nvr buy, wear or get a new one again?
1) gb officer uniform
2) gb officer tie

5 fav. toys:
1) astro boy stuff
2) trombone... (if i could get one..hur hur)
3) camera.. (still waiting...)
4) laptop
5) hp?

ok... done...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

got back my results...

and i wanna thank God for my results... :)

quite satisfied... best results throughout all the sem! :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i wanted to blog yesterday..

but something wrong with blogspot...!

anyway some pix... hey.. thnx for the watch!

me at work...

the amount of data we gotta enter....

and lastly.. my cute cousin.. celeste.. hehe...
went to st pat's concert just now... hmmm.. it was... yeah ok... it's been a long time i've been to concerts and all that..
so.. yaya...
tml going out with band members...
2 days of break wed back to work.. ;)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Artist: Casting crowns
Song: Who am I

Who am I?That the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt

Who am I?That the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am.. I am Yours.

Who am I?That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
and watch me rise again

Who am I? That the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am Yours,I am Yours.

super nice song....
Who am I? really.. who am i?
that the creation of this earth knows me...
who am i?
that He was the one there for me... when my world seems in a mess...
who am i?
who am i?

but... because of who You are..
what You've done...

indeed... i do not know my tommorrow...
i may not be here...
but every moment here... i want to live for You...

thank You Jesus...
thank You for the cross...
thank You...

excited... :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

it's 2 weeks since i graduted....

what i have i been doing?

working at RP - Research Plus... haha... i also didn't notice till daniel say...

cheap labour.. but i still work.. why? cause it's better than rotting at home?

it seems like everyone went for interview.. looking for job.. got a job.. but me... i did none... booo... liming got a job... jia you wor... hur hur... :)

have been sleeping late... waking up late...

this morning.. slept at 5!!! and at 10 was woken up by my phone... sheerui's morning call.. super tiring.... then went to work...

we always wanted to meet early for work... but we always end up late....

show u guys some pix...

this blue staircase which we found... a shortcut to our room... miss it...

wind symphony.... :)

this room... this view is always wht i see when i stand in front speaking to them...

this is the cage i'm referring to...

the guys and the gals... there's one who is not a student!!! haha... 2 actually... cause i'm not too... haha
us looking... cool.. cool man... haha...

ok that's all... :)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

hmmmm... i guess nobody visit my blog anymore haha.. cause i'm not constant in blogging... :)

2nd week or rotting...

hmmm... my day... went out.. back to old campus and new campus...

today was the shifting of the instruments and all that to the new campus... the last time i will be alighting at redhill... taking a cab up to campus... visiting redhill 7-11(oo.. new campus opening 7-11)... being in band room... being at phoenix park... seeing the cage (maybe they moving there)... yah... it's all memories... :)

after moving all the instruments then gotta wait for mr manu (dunno how to spell lah) then went out with rui, hannah, stan to buy lunch for the rest...

after tht.. shift cupboards, etc to co room.. then.. mr manu came... then shift shift...

after tht lian siong drove us to woodlands campus... saw the energy room.. that we might be using for practices...

ok.. that's all for today...

hmmm.. lian siong ask... if we lookin for job.. he can recommend us to work in rp... should i work in rp??? ??? ???

Monday, March 06, 2006

1st day of no school... and i was like... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

this is totally different... the feeling of graduation from poly is totally different from when you graduate from pri and sec school.. because from that 2 there is a definite place you can go... which is sec school or poly or jc.. but now... i'm like... ahhhhhh... uni? (dunno can go in) work?(can't see myself getting into office wear and going to work! oh man!!!)

and i did something today.. i went................. yah... got myself out of bed to do that....

tomolo.... tomolo...

Friday, March 03, 2006


i miss it!!!

was going home... then... walk pass the playground... then the past came to my mind... i miss going to the playground... yes! remember when i was still staying at my old house there was a playground there... going there at night... just sitting there... the feeling was just... :) sometimes hanging around there in the evening... with my neighbours.. sitting around and talking... :)

as i enter the house.... things changed... : yah... although it's a bigger house... but... it seems to be ... what can i say? it's all the past...

i saw a primary school friend just now... i did not call him... ermz... cause it felt weird... and last sat i saw my another pri school friend also... quite a good friend in pri school... hur hur...

went out just now to career fair with... zann *blink*, jeannie *blink*, meixuan *blink*

the neoprints that we took... *blink* *blink*

that's my class photo... for HR module... ermz.... yah... tml.. last day of school...