Wednesday, January 18, 2006


us after open house
can you see the R P W S?
do i look good with a saxophone?
or a flute is better? haha
hey you! look! astro boy mug that rui and lian gave...
me and meiyan signing off our big name!
i like the background that they decorate! nice!
lian me and rui.. TROMBONE rox... when can i hear ur duet? hehe

below the 4 poster is the one i did for my PP!!!
did yesterday and my presentation is today

i was late for my presentation!!!! ahh!!! madness! i took 6mins to walk from redhill to school!

i went in... "sorry.. i'm late" she nv say anything... then i say.. erm.. dun have the board to paste my poster? she say no... then ok.. i started... i say everything for 8mins?
then she asked.. how you get his contact?
me: erm... i know him...
she: ok cool... ok... can le..
me: huh?! no more questions?
she: no need lah.. can le...

so i went off... in school for like 15mins and i left school.. first time stay in school for 15mins only.. hahah

Sunday, January 15, 2006

hur hur hur.. i know i should change my blogskin lah.. but i got no time to do that... i'll try change it asap ok.. haha

2nd day of open house... i guess for me.. it's not so tiring hur hur.. cause i just go for performance... not doing all those admin stuff.. shiok.. haha... i went there late... i leave early... the feeling is just good.. haha.. nothing to tie me down... ;) mingcong and meiyan, and the rest of the comm.. jia you huh.. haha..

performance was not so good yesterday... hmmm.. dunno why... everything seems wrong.. my hand dun seems to be working... numb when i play first song... difficult to control my lips... booo.. i dunno why lah... today was better... hur hur hur..


TROMBONE section was praised again.. wahaha.. by mr glosz... hur hur... stan say our tonguing was clear.. hmmmmm...

ok.. sometimes i dunno wht to do.. in band room.. we play loud, we will cover the sound of the other section... but when we come to performance.. mr glosz will want us to play louder... so.. is it because trombone are too loud? or the rest are too soft? if we play soft.. glosz say we dun have the real trombone sound... so... ? tell me?

anyway.. today when i play.. i really got super irritated by something.. i mean.. ok lah.. i'm abit mean to say that.. but arggggggg.. it's super irritating.. and it's just in front of me... and i've got to suffer for the whole performance... boooo... tomolo 1 last day...

ok.. and i wanna say.. thnx... to my 2 trombonist... HUILIAN the principal player, SHEE RUI the section leader... and lastly... WILLIE TAN the one and only *hur hur.. for those who know one and only means wht huh* concert master for the giving me all the gifts and the effort that they go and buy the gifts for me and give me a few at a day... haha.. on the 1st day of open house they put it inside my bag... they bought me a astro boy coin bank, astro boy handphone strap, astro boy mouse pad... and today.. they gave me a... astro boy water bottle!!! those children one lah.. and a astroboy cubic puzzle... :) hur hur... anymore tomolo? *grinz* so many astroboy thingy...

ok.. that's all i gotta say.. yeah.. no school tomolo and on tue... !!! yeah!!! yeah!!! but still going school...

catch WIND SYMPHONY @ main arena
@ 1:30pm

ok... :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

let the pictures speak(2)

rhys and me!!! i like this pix..
(*her head! really looks ... :X)
haha.. dun kill me...
this pix also nice!!! hehe...
let's welcome 2006!!!
Youth Fusion 2006
The Revels
Hey YOU!
me and shee rui... (tandoori!!!)
me and lian... (erm.. acting stupid.. )

Thursday, January 05, 2006

the sky pix that i took.. it's not very nice here lah.. but that i was like.. woah...

my beloved trombone...

pix of the rainbow that i saw that day!

me and sherline.. taking pix outside band room...

meiyan and me...

my cousin..

me in band room.. with all the tuba, trombone and eupho behind...

Sunday, January 01, 2006


the first post for 2006...

thank God for 2005 all the things that have happen... now... 2006 a brand new year!




i sing this song from the bottom from my heart!!! hehe.. so please accept it! :P

i slept at 5 this morning!!!
last night went to sushi tei to have dinner with rhys, mao, cindy, mama, huiling, mabel, tracy and carolyn.. to celebrate rhys birthday... nice dinner.. good time together... :)

after that.. wanted to go home le... but see mama waiting alone... so we waited with her together lor.. then she asked if wanna go west coast together... erm. so the 4 EXTRAS went.. haha..

went to mac cafe.. sat there and talk... yeah yeah!!! i know someone's BIGGEST SECRET!!! hehe... :p hur hur... not bad not bad... *grinz*
rhys, mao and cindy.. next time we played number game or scissors,paper stone if we lose u know wht to do le? sing... hehe...

reached home at around 2... but i simply can't sleep! did my qt... thank God! :)

goals for 2006...
1 thing.. i think i have to spend lesser time in front of this stupid thingy... internet! ok..


oh yah.. b4 i forgot!!! i saw rainbow just now!!!!! it's been a long time since i saw one... and this is like a complete one lah... SO NICE!!! hehe... :p