Wednesday, November 16, 2005


everything just went wrong... it's always like this when it comes to just the week of the performance... IRRITATING!!!

my yesterday.. everything just arggg....

1)justin yew stupid guy.. he took my hp... and bring to osc and report lost!!! super pissed!!! still want me to report lost online and go down to osc and take myself.. i dun care lor... then boshi and chinkeong help me go take... IRRITATING

2) in band... so many stunt!!!
- people who never come for prac usually.. come for prac on the week of performance nvm...RESPONSIBILITY
- mr glosz's student coming... then the instruments spoil... kaoz... then they have to repair themselves...
- percussion come out with so many stunt.. suddenly one say not performing.. then another also say not performing.. kaoz.. what the..
- when standing in front talking to them... keep talking among themselves... RESPECT!!!

and yesterday was the first time.. i just walked off.. without waiting for the rest... cannot take it lor... booo...

anyway... that's all my complain...

wanted to send email out to the members but was too tired... so decided to send today... then came home after a day... SOOOOOO many email!!! stan they all already send le... got like 20 mails lah... wah.. i read till... so decided not so send anymore... DISAPPOINTED!!! IRRITATED!!!

today went to supreme court... for my module one... ok lah... the court doesn't look like the one i saw on tv!!! it's modern... not so big...

then there's this hearing on.. which is the indian man who killed his wife.. so the kaypoh us decided to seat in the hearing.. so BORING! wahaha... the lawyer like not convincing one... he talk abit.. then got so long pause cause he looking for evidence.. then he still say "i cannot find the evidence now, we'll look into that later" haha.. so funny.. lawyer can like tht say one? then the judge face like also very sianz like tht..

after that.. some of us went to eat sakae sushi buffet.. super duper full...


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