Wednesday, November 09, 2005


had a weird dream? scary dream? funny dream? haha... erm... a combo of all? whahaa...

ok.. the dream is.. i dreamt that our school sacked mr glosz and mr glosz was super duper pissed.. really.. it's super scary lah... then i was in the band room i didn't dare go out of the store room... then he said something to the band and walk out... super scary...

next... received a phone call from liansiong... and... he was crying on the phone.. that's the funny part... i think of it... it's super funny lah...

3 more practice to performance... and we play like... booo... the fanfare... boo....

i thought i can take a break... but gonna hang on till december... booo...

tomolo.. school for fyp then followed by... workshop.... ok... wanna go sleep le.. buaiz... ;)

saw a pix of someone which sheerui send me... shocked me sia... hmmm... why did that person become like tht? eh...

yeapz yeapz.. buaiz...

me and daniel...


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