Friday, November 25, 2005

hmmm... got the news that someone passed away... hmmm...

my science teacher in sec school... i think she teached me in lower sec.. both sec 1 and 2... she's a nice teacher... thinking back.. i can now still hear her voice.. the way she speaks inside my head...

she's a christian...

Monday, November 21, 2005

hur hur hur... just back from my uncle's place... a busy weekend...

fri.. stay overnight in school... boo.. things happen.. why can't people just listen and follow to instructions and like to come out with soo many stunts... hello... people...

performance at the woodlands campus was like.. booo.. take all the trouble and the little sleep... just to go there play 3 songs and 1 fanfare... prepared 20mins repertoire lah.. booo... then the 3 songs.. i play like.. piang... trombone cmi this time.. wahaha.. but nvm lah.. fanfare is the best.. wahah...

after that went youth... after youth went home... wanted to sleep le... but was waiting to watch the news cause they say got us.. then.. kaoz.. i watch 930 channel 5 one.. dun have... wait for channel 8 and... fell asleep.. when i woke up it's 1020 le.. meiyan say we r on tv.. means no more le... sianz.. nvm.. then immediately go to sleep...

today... after church went to uncle's place... cause my grandma birthday... had buffet... then... hur hur hur.. my cousin audrey.. the previous time i went.. his hair.. not nice.. haha.. now.. his hair got style sia... wahha... got pattern some more... woohoo.. so cool... shuai... wahah... when i upload the photo le.. let u all see... hehe...

liming!!! my auntie also say wht u say.. OH MAN!!!

i wanna sleep le.. buaiz...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


everything just went wrong... it's always like this when it comes to just the week of the performance... IRRITATING!!!

my yesterday.. everything just arggg....

1)justin yew stupid guy.. he took my hp... and bring to osc and report lost!!! super pissed!!! still want me to report lost online and go down to osc and take myself.. i dun care lor... then boshi and chinkeong help me go take... IRRITATING

2) in band... so many stunt!!!
- people who never come for prac usually.. come for prac on the week of performance nvm...RESPONSIBILITY
- mr glosz's student coming... then the instruments spoil... kaoz... then they have to repair themselves...
- percussion come out with so many stunt.. suddenly one say not performing.. then another also say not performing.. kaoz.. what the..
- when standing in front talking to them... keep talking among themselves... RESPECT!!!

and yesterday was the first time.. i just walked off.. without waiting for the rest... cannot take it lor... booo...

anyway... that's all my complain...

wanted to send email out to the members but was too tired... so decided to send today... then came home after a day... SOOOOOO many email!!! stan they all already send le... got like 20 mails lah... wah.. i read till... so decided not so send anymore... DISAPPOINTED!!! IRRITATED!!!

today went to supreme court... for my module one... ok lah... the court doesn't look like the one i saw on tv!!! it's modern... not so big...

then there's this hearing on.. which is the indian man who killed his wife.. so the kaypoh us decided to seat in the hearing.. so BORING! wahaha... the lawyer like not convincing one... he talk abit.. then got so long pause cause he looking for evidence.. then he still say "i cannot find the evidence now, we'll look into that later" haha.. so funny.. lawyer can like tht say one? then the judge face like also very sianz like tht..

after that.. some of us went to eat sakae sushi buffet.. super duper full...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

more pix

saw this astro boy watch...

me and my cousin.. ah bin...

me and my cousin.. kayson... haha.. the last time i saw him.. was.. when he was super young...

haha.. look at his cheeks!!!

another one... haha

Sunday, November 13, 2005

let the pictures speak

in the workshop...

12th november 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

in love with myself

another long day...

went to school for fyp.. did the layout, design did weekly log... yah yah...

went to garageband workshop.. boo.. did recording on our own instrument... eeekk.. so nan ting... wahaha.. i play like... yucks... wahaha.. then funny lah.. we play tempo not constant one.. then varian add in the drumset then piano.. he's super cool lah.. he just anyhow whack on the keyboard then can come out with things that can match.. cool man..

took some pix during the recording... hur hur hur... got one pix very nice... in love with myself... wahah.. *oops* will post it up when i got it in my comp.. ok... that's about it for today... :)

GB camp... oh man... the day we going sentosa i got test!!! ahhh... dunno how sia...


had a weird dream? scary dream? funny dream? haha... erm... a combo of all? whahaa...

ok.. the dream is.. i dreamt that our school sacked mr glosz and mr glosz was super duper pissed.. really.. it's super scary lah... then i was in the band room i didn't dare go out of the store room... then he said something to the band and walk out... super scary...

next... received a phone call from liansiong... and... he was crying on the phone.. that's the funny part... i think of it... it's super funny lah...

3 more practice to performance... and we play like... booo... the fanfare... boo....

i thought i can take a break... but gonna hang on till december... booo...

tomolo.. school for fyp then followed by... workshop.... ok... wanna go sleep le.. buaiz... ;)

saw a pix of someone which sheerui send me... shocked me sia... hmmm... why did that person become like tht? eh...

yeapz yeapz.. buaiz...

me and daniel...

Sunday, November 06, 2005



the school is making me stress!!! keep emphasing on PP!!! i haven start doing.. and they says if cannot finish by this sem bring to next sem! have to pay next sem school fees!!! madness! pay school fees to do PP and my ce point left 1point.. DA/DP ahhh...

i'm gonna start PP... haha... finally lah... it's no choice must do... and he's back so can ask.. haha... but i dunno what to ask sia... =_= *yawnz

tomolo UT!!! school!!! band meeting!!! gb meeting!!! home!!! sleep!!!

hur hur hur..

Friday, November 04, 2005

oh man...

i forgot i've got a ut tomorrow lah... booo.. till i asked jq just now if she going school... then she was like... "there's UT tomolo!!" nvm... consumer psychology still be still alright...

things to be done
1) what to do for sat youth???
2) PP
3) GB Camp - Games material
4) Asean Camp - Games writeup, point system
5) Youth Camp - Games writeup and blah blah blah

ahh!!! nov and dec like fully booked!!!

i better go sleep now... else tomolo cannot wake up again!!! and there's UT!!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

little india

back from work...

wah.. super tiring!!! did straw poll... survey kind @ little india....

difficult to get people sia.. so many indian, blangadash ppl... then asked them.. they gimme the blur look.. then say.. dunno duno... ahhh!!!

then i am to run 12 locations!!! so tiring lah... then at location 7 to 11... so ulu lah.. then do many indian there!!!

interesting thing
1) found a person lying in the bush... crying? yah.. lying...
2) a drunkard man... while crossing the road, he was scolding at dunno who.. then a car came by... and the man stop in front of the car and want to kick the car... then he walk off... next... a lorry came.. and the man still stand in the middle of the road... the lorry try to scare him and accelerate then brake... the man then hit the car....
3) a couple was quarreling... or rather the lady was saying the guy... and what the guy reply was... i dunno i dunno...
4) the hk ppl was filming some stuff... the guy from "wo he jiang shi you ge yue hui" the vampire show.. that guy... then sherline become mad!

btw... thnkx meiyan for accompanying me to go one round of little india.. hehe...

ok tht's all.. today went to a place with alot of indian.. tomolo a place with lotsa malays.. geylang serai... last month was a place of chinese... chinatown...

tomolo have to reach at 4pm.. means i am meeting daniel for dinner at 230PM!!! 230 leh.. eat dinner.. booo..