Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a day at home...

rotting at home... not actually... haha...
firstly i wanna say sorry to ah lian... she reach my house at 730 to get the band room key from me... and i was sleeping la... sorry.. cannot hear... then my house got no door bell.. then at 8 my sis say someone looking for me.. then i was like oh no... then she got ut somemore... sorry sorry... oh no... i just found out she reach school at 855.. test was 830... i feel super bad lah.. sorry sorry... arrggg... huilian dun kill me!!!

was supposed to go ktv with justin lah.. hey justin yew if u happen to see this... i never fly u aeroplane this time... is u!!!! never even bother to call or sms back!!! u liar!!! booo!!!


was supposed to meet meiyan to go out... but i wait till i dun feel like going out le... so cancel.. hehe..

so was at home.. doing up the write up for the youth camp games... did the design of the sweet wrapper thingy for the youth thingy...

and the rest of the time was playing games... online game, playing game with daniel.. haha.. :p

was searching for more games.. and guess what i found this website.. it's super dumb lah... =_=" stupid lor...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

oh man... was super late for church today lah.. i never hear the alarm!!! oh man.. it's the latest tht i reach church... haiz...

after church rush down to meet justin, daniel and sherline... actually supposed to meet them 130... but i 130 still at church.. then headed to airport... to work.. haha...

it was kinda fun.. but tiring.. walk from t2 to t1... then have to walk to and fro those kind... then.. ok.. then me and justin do together... then boshi, dan and sher another group... then do do do.. .then me and jus hungry... haha.. then we go mac eat... :p then we are the slowest lah... when dan they all do 4qn le.. guess what.. justin only at 1st qn!!! but me at 3rd qn lah.. haha...

so many things to shop in the airport lah.. hehe.. so cool... woohoo.. hehe... after that we headed to bugis.. V8 to have our dinner...

we earn $25... we spend also.. haha.. work to spend.. boo.. and i'm broke now!!!

oh man!!! 3 ut this week..

Thursday, August 25, 2005


never go school today again.. hmm cause later fyp presentation... then dun feel like going lah... only went school once this week which is tue.. tomolo will be going bah.. mon... woke up.. but was too tired.. went back to sleep again...

yest mali, june came my house.. prepare the presentation... then they went home.. and they took the wrong bus.. they never cross the road then take 975... which brings them to the lim chu kang there.. then got cemetry.. then they very scared.. eh.. sorry...

hmmm.. yest my guitar dropped on the floor!!! wah.. heart pain sia.. now the one part abit like chipped off... haiz... *ouch*

later fyp presentation.. hope the 2 fac won't ask so much question.. close one eyes... then yeah.. get it over and done... :)

Monday, August 22, 2005


weeee... was out with some of my band memebers... daniel, justin, jieying, meiyan and sherline... went out to get something... :)

meeting time 4pm...
4pm called meiyan and jieying.. dun wanna pick up my phone!!! arggg.. then i ask daniel call, they picked up... arggggg THEY STILL AT HOME!!! booo.... we met at PS... but cannot find the thing that we wanted so we went to get another thing.. then headed to eh... dunno where for dinner...

followed by to... OG... then to... robinson... ok.. got the thing... then we headed to eh.. the dunno where.. cause meiyan gotta buy present for someone.. but cannot find.. then headed to topshop at wisma... eh.. they cannot find.. then they say wanna go watch movie... hmmm.. ok.. then we headed to cine.. but all the movies is 10+ then by the time we finished watching no more train.. so we decided to go some place and just slack and talk.... but b4 tht.. we went to take NEOPRINTS!!! hehe... haha... everytime we go out we will take one.. haha...

so.. we headed to heeren NYDC... we shared the cream of mushroom, mushroom ham pasta and a macadamia nut brownie... hehe... slack slack slack till 11... then we decided to go home.. ok.. show ya the neoprints that we took...

eh.. trying to act cool.. but why is dan and meiyan smiling?

sia la.. jieying like ghost... the head suddenly like pop out from somewhere... and look at jus, hehe.. he looks like a gal!!! i call him "GIRL"

eh.. why i never smile.. hehe

jieying like drown below again... haha

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


woohoo... ok.. finally submitted the fyp today! hehe...

mali and junie pro... never sleep..
i sleep from 12 - 3 then woke up.. do.. then 5+ sleep again.. 8+ wake up do again...
1+ go school submit.. woohoo.. then see so many ppl in class rushing for fyp.. then we at there do nothing..

must really thnks junie and mali... :)

Monday, August 15, 2005


alright.. i'm back.. botc for this week ended...

it was ok... the games were fun and had meaning behind it.. some of the thingy today were kinda boring.. the dunno wht fund ar... dunno whtever..

had alot alot alot of laughing for the 2day and 1 night.. why? because got auntie janette.. wahaha.. she very funny one leh.. we are seated in tables.. and our table is the most noisy one.. with lotsa of gigglings and talking when the hq ppl were toking... paiseh sia.. wahaha...

then got once very paiseh lah.. the person ask our table one qn.. then something happen.. and we all burst out into laughter... and never answer her qn.. u can see how embarassing it was.. but it was fun...

8 of us altogether from 76th company... me, auntie janette, huiling (eh.. she got new name.. wanna know? wahahahah), candice, clara, pamela, denny and meiyin...

ok.. next week gotta go back.. for fri and sat.. fri is kinda sianz.. after school still must carry the stupid laptop.. walk all the way..

we gotta do 1 national project.. hmmm.. hope it wouldn't be too tough.. cause me final yr.. i want to chiong next sem... :)

woohoo!!! this week schedule...

mon: school (java) = (sianz), meet for fyp...
tue: school (stats) = (super sianz), band (hehe..)
wed: still duno yet.. submission of fyp...
thur: school (econs) = (still ok), band
fri: school (finance) = (tough.. cause confirm rj have to think like siao), botc
sat: morn gb? then botc...
sun: church.. :)

ok.. gotta sleep.. will i be late for school??? i guess so.. haha.. shirley moh....

Saturday, August 13, 2005

eh.. dunno wht to put...


when will u tell ur mother something if u are afraid that she wouldn't let u go?
most prob when she is about to sleep?

but i asked when i was sleepy...
i already wanna sleep... then she was still awake.. asked her...
and.. she say.. go iron the clothes first... actually i was already sleeping le lah.. sleep.. then wake up ask me iron.. but nevermind.. i still do it... obedience.. yeah...

and now i'm awake.. just finish rj.. wah piang... rj.. i dun like to do karyeong's rj lah.. must think so hard.. must find resource.. find till i sleep sia...

ok.. i'll try to get some sleep.. but wait.. i haven pack my bag for tomolo.. oh man... ok.. buaiz.. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

new skin

eh.. decided to change a new skin.. cause i see the pix like very nice.. so.. hehe.. decided to change.. hmmm... did nothing much today...

rot at home... cleared some of the movies in my comp...
went over to grandma house for dinner...
my cousin pulled me to lot 1...
decided to go to kbox...
sing sing sing...

oh ya.. why nobody tell me? hmmm.. i just know tht one of my uncle shifted to my next blk! i can see his house from my room.. haha.. :p

ok.. gonna sleep soon...
going to junie's house for fyp...
meeting huimin and mama...

Monday, August 08, 2005


oh Lord... are you trying to do something in my life???


i dunno wht to do now...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


woohoo!!! i'm just back...

eh.. had a long meeting just now of games.. our first meeting.. and guess what? we came out with like almost all the games... haha... hmmm... ok.. i shan't blog more ok... cause got test tomolo at 830! JAVA!!! haha..