Monday, June 27, 2005

busy week

okok... yeah... my blog got cobwebs le... wahhaha... aiyah.. really no time to update for the past one week been busy.. and i was only at home on tuesday night and sun last week....

went to mac ig chalet

went to school from chalet to have meeting and finalizing the camp stuff...

wed - sat
was at school.. band camp... hmmmm... was actually quite pissed off with some stuff one day before the camp... cause so many ppl suddenly come and tell me cannot go ar... dunno wht wht wht... then last min need to change so many things and all that... hmmmm.. but nevermind....

RPWS eh... dunno u guys enjoyed the camp anot... but i think u all do right? wahahah.. :p

first night had meeting till 2+? 2nd night had meeting till 3? 3rd night.... ended at 3+ then they watch movie.. but i fell asleep... it's like so tired...

woke up.. packed my stuff then when the rest just woke up.. i went off.. took a cab home then bath packed and went off to pasir ris then took a cab to aloha loyang...

church.. was super tired in church... tried to keep myself awake but.. i can't help it but my eyes felt so heavy then i fake fake... use my hand cover my eyes but bible on my leg.. oops... i was sitting at the front row lah... try to seat up straight.. then... after a while my eyes close again....

headed to jp to eat lunch with rhys, emiko, tracy and cindy... after tht.. chat chat chat headed home.. and sleep... then slept at 10pm...

but now i still feel tired... not enough rest...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Phua Chu Kang The Musical

went to watch PCK The Musical just now.. eh.. it's ok.. but abit too draggy.. especially the part whereby PCK lose all his stuff to the frankie.. super slow.. some parts was funny.. tiring sia..

took bus.. lucky got ppl tap me.. else i will continue sleep in the bus.. paiseh sia.. too tired... then walk home... tired... ok... tomolo going school do fyp...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


liew... i dun like the way rp works man... can't each ig just have their own room.. why must share?!?! then have to book.. if never book then cannot use.. if other ig book and clashes with our prac.. then.. wht the... ANGRY!!!

today our prac is 4 - 7 actually is morning but advisor told us another ig using so we change to evening.. now they say they book the room from 2 - 7... and we never book.. wht the.. then we got so many instruments... the wind instrument still can go out sectional.. but the percussion how? carry the drums all the way out.. booo...

if every ig have their own room and use their own room.. then there will be no problem right? so mah fan.. still have to book.. and still have to keep the chairs and percussion instruments after every prac..


tok about yest... hohoho.. went out with mama and rhys.. haha.. so fun.. from we meet till we go home.. keep bully mama.. wahaha... by asking alot of why question.. and also.. i still haven got my answer.. MAMA!!! WHERE ARE U SITTING?!?!?! haha... had dinner at crystal jade @ taka... then went to ck tang.. rhys bought a wallet for her dad.. and yah... tht's bout it..

PCK musical tonight... haha.. MAMA WHERE ARE U SITTING?!?!!?!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Lord, pour out Your Spirit
On all the peoples of the earth
Let Your sons and daughters
Speak Your words of prophesy
Send us dreams and visions
Reveal the secret of Your heart
Lord, our faith is rising
Let all heaven sound the coming of Your day

There's gonna be a great awakening
There's gonna be a great revival in our land
There's gonna be a great awakening
And everyone who calls on Jesus
They will be saved

Lord, pour out Your Spirit
On all the nations of the world
Let them see Your glory
Let them fall in reverent awe
Show Your mighty power
Shake the heaven and the earth
Lord, the world is waiting
Let creation see the coming of Your day

hmmm.. dunno.. this song just keep coming to my mind...

oh yah.. marie thnx for tht astro boy.. haha.. love it.. :)

oh man... things to do
- finalizing of band camp
these 2 is already killing me... booo.. and MR STANLEY TAN!!! arggg.. gimme a break!!! booo.. this guy hor.. he keep msn me once i online.. wah.. ahhhh!!! booo... ok buaiz...

Friday, June 10, 2005


went shopping... haha... went school for band.. 10am super early.. yawnz.. told myself tht cannot be late... cause got yr 1 dun wanna give them those bad impression.. quite alot of them were late.. but nvm.. had sectional.. i think they are getting bored la.. but i dunno how... anyway after band me, dan, jieying, meiyan & orange went to cine for lunch @ pastamania...

then shopped around... then headed to ps went to yamaha to get some stuff... then headed to penisula (spell correctly?) yah.. anyway.. bought the guitar string.. oh no man.. 2nd string.. broke.. oh man.. rhys.. i know how u feel man.. haha...

ok.. tomolo got GB. me gonna go catch my sleep.. else i cannot wake up... booo boo.. some pix...

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the neoprint that we took today

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another one...

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cute? took the other day

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althea, marie, me... church camp...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


woohoo!!! church camp is finished!!! 4 days 3 nights @ malaysia - seremban @ Allson Klana Resort

1st day
went church... then after lunch we headed to malysia... woohoo... the bus ride was long... we left at 1+? eh.. reach there 6+ i think so... yeapz... dinner... ice-breaker then first session... first night nothing much

2nd day...
had devotional, workshop, games, session
after the station games... then dunno who suggest play the game... "ouch orbi orbi" dunno who think of this.. violent game... beat each other... huiling.. haha.. the leg beat till blue black... some of them also.. me kena not so much.. but also kena beat...

3rd day...
had devotion, workshop, shopping, games
went shopping at 2 of the shopping centre there... parkson grand and terminal one.. eh... never buy anything... just went around shopping with candice becky they all... after tht went back to the resort...slept.. was too tired lah.. dunno why.. slep awhile.. then went to have our bbq dinner.. talent nite was cancelled... then we had games.. wah.. the auntie all hor.. all so hyper-active lah... the games... wah... see them all.. i just sit there and laugh with eunice and violet.. haha... but then.. kena say by one of the auntie... say.. we not on.. never play.. booo.. nevermind.. then have this game... pairs one.. very funny lah.. it's like how well you know your partner those kind of games.. first is eh.. one person blinfold then must find your partner by touching the hand... everyone got it right except MAMA.. she chose jethro's hand.. wahahaha.. laugh till pengz... then pastor also very funny.. and auntie joyce... me and candice was like keep on laughing lah.. cause the answer auntie joyce give is always different from what pastor wrote.. haha.. funny funny...

last night.. went to candice's their room.. watched finish the show.. eh.. fogot what title.. then had pillow fight.. 10+ ppl.. haha... funny... but after tht.. almost all of us.. sneezed like wht sia.. cause all the dust.. wah.. CMI.. i sneeze till this morning when checking out still sneezing lah... rub my nose till my nose pain...

ok.. the session was ok.. quite good.. pastor geoge was like keep saying jokes.. and tht irritating sabrina was like keep on laughing.. and her laughter is those fake one lah.. FAKO!!!!

anyway back in spore... was in the bus.. wah.. the bus dunno why lah.. so warm lah.. like no aircon like tht sia...

ok.. tomolo going school.. booo... ok... tht's all.. i type super long le...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

pon school

hohoho.. i pon school yest.. it's the last day of school and it's like we are like so sianz of the fac lah.. cause our own fac did not come so she came to take over... so we decided to pon.. haha.. me, jq, jasmine and yisha from another class haha...

went kbox @ cine.. fun! haha... stupid things that we did there.. firstly we went there and we are looking for a room with more plug.. then jas went to ask the person u have any room got alot of power plug one? then i was like.. so paiseh lah.. she really go ask.. then the person give us the blur look.. u know why we wanna have alot of plug? we wanna charge handphone and power for our laptop.. haha... ok nevermind.. so 2 power plug one for the tv and another one for the machine.. so i took out the multi plug that liting pass to me before we left.. and guess wht? the multi plug spoil lah.. still got sparks come out.. then i was like oh no.. then also cannot use.. so nvm we continue to sing.. till later we decided to take out the multi plug but the tv plug is 2 pin one... then cannot go inside then we were like oh no.. panic panic.. then try to plug in but still cannot...

then yisha think of stupid reason she say.. tell the person when we wanna take the phone accidentally trip off the wire.. then i was like -_- dun wan lah.. then she already pick up the phone ask for service le.. then the person help us ok.. continue sing...

at the last hour we all become mad.. took some pix... try to upload if i can... ;)

eh... never go handball camp.. cause i woke up late.. and later going cell.. so.. yah lor.. sorry ah.. chinkeong and boshi.. haha... :p dun kill me pls... i at least got contribute right? i help u think of some games.. :p

ok.. tht's all.. woohoo.. alot of show in my comp.. now my comp left with less than 1GB haha.. i must faster watch.. :p

Thursday, June 02, 2005

woohoo.. quite a nice day... cause i got no school and no fyp meeting.. haha... eh.. woke up at 12pm guess what? i submitted my RJ at 5am!!! i was like.. doing rj.. then i fell asleep.. then 3+ i woke up.. then do abit.. i woke up again.. at 4+ then i say.. cannot i must do finish now else i will woke up super late and the rj submission close at 8AM! arggg.. what a timing! so completed le.. *poof slept till 9+ mao message me... then woke up watched finish the shark tale cause haven watch finish.. after tht.. i went back to sleep again... haha... :p woke up at 12...

did some stuff then went out to meet maomao..b4 tht went to my unclw house to pass him some stuff then headed to meet mao.. then she very naggy... keep saying i late late late... then nag nag nag.. watch madagascar hmmm.. ok lah.. some parts funny.. it's like alot of kids in the cinema... then the parts whereby we find funny but the kids never laugh.. then when the parts i think is ok.. then the kids all laugh..

after tht.. went to meet cindy.. hmm.. but something happen then accompany her home then went her house... then i went to lot 1.. waiting for the meeting at sier house...

yeapz... tht's all...

yeapz... cindy.. jia you wor.. we are always here for you.. and God is also with you even in your difficult times... we will continue to P.U.S.H Pray Until Something Happen :)