Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i'm back!

i'm back!!!! 

6 days... away from this island... to thailand.. :)

a good journey... 

will post more another day.. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



i'm gonna leave on a jetplane in
+ time...

going to thailand - sawang

will be back on 22april 0005

see ya...

pray for the 6 of us who are going...
huiling, pamela, peiyi, zhong, becca and me!!!

i'm gonna wake up at like 3+ and now i haven sleep!!! ahhhhhhhhh!!!!

2 more hours to sleep... bye.. :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


it takes months or years to establish faith in someone or something. One act of unfaithfulness or inconsistency can destroy that trust, and it will take months or years of consistent, faithful behavior to rebuild trust.

that is one reason why human relationships are so fragile...


5 days.. changes everything...
that's how fast one thing can change...
it's funny how one thing happens and it changes the whole point of view (*extract from a song*)

the whole world is changing...
the country is changing...
the people are changing...
family changed...
when the clock ticks... it changes...
baby born...
human died....
everything is changing..
by the hour...
by the minute...
by the second...


the Lord never change...
His Word never change...
His promises never change...

knowing that gives us the stability in our lives

(Numbers 23:19) God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Saturday, April 05, 2008


hmmm... let's remember what we say... :) and we can do it.. not by our own strength.. but by the strength of God... :)

be a good .......
be a good ......
u are a nice person.. :)

at least... i feel better that it end off this way...
i'm glad we talked.. :)

hmmm.. during youth...
the battle of the mind...
thanks to eric for the pat on the back...
it meant alot...
even though it's just a pat... :)
thanks bro...

OH!!!! and i had a dream!!! bad dream?
i dreamt that i took the airplane... and it crashed!!!!
but i was ok... hmmm... i was with my mum and sis la...
i'll be taking a flight in 11 more days... hmmmm...

i saw something... and i am in shocked... i was shocked...
hmmm.... i hope it will not end in a bad way...

Friday, April 04, 2008


can everything be back to what it was.. just simple...
simple... just like how i was when i am 5yrs old?

can it?

it hurts once again...

i told myself..
it's impossible.. there'll be no end...
yeah... i'll be ok

and for a moment, i thought it doesn't hurt as much as the other time...

when i think about it again.. that feeling of pain came back.. once again...
it hurts...

*sorry to ask a dumb question.. :(*

battle of the mind... yeah... i have been experiencing it too.. it's driving me crazy too..

it hurts...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


it feels like a dream?

is this a dream?