Monday, October 15, 2007


one thing happens... and it changes your whole point of view....

seeking for the better...

yesterday was out with the sec school cell... it was a good time out... get to know some of the new ppl...
and i realized somethings...
so many times we asked A to interact with B... and it just doesn't happen...
and some when they come in.. they just seems to just clique with these group.. and u dun have to ask them to...

and... i got...
ugly tan... cause of my sleeve...
ugly tan on my face... cause of my specs...
blue black... dunno why.. i guess it's the dog and bone...
red ugly markings on my thigh... cause of ouch orbi orbi...
sprained toe.. cause of the game... chair, muscle man, pretty lady...

and once again.. jan say i'm weak.... BOO!

today.. finally i collected my phone!!! they said they gave me a new phone... hope it won't spoil again...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

night cycling...

woohoo... just home not long ago.. went cycling with Jan... ermz.. yes.. on a tuesday night.. weird right... haha.. we usually go on either sun night cause i got no work and she got no school the next day or fri night... anyway... she said she wanted to go cycling i was like.. ok i also wanna go.. haha...

reached her house 7+ 8.. then we headed to bukit timah... some of the things that happened...

- i cycled up 2 slopes without stopping...
- i had blurred vision after conquering the 2 slopes...
- i puked... YES! i puked.. just at the grass patch of the cross junction... and jan was like so worried.. haha
- we sat just at the cross junction... really giddy..
- after puking and resting.. i was ok.. and we continued on...
- reached the food place... decided on hong kong food...
- since i puked everything out... i ate... haha...
- stopped and look at the train... and yeah! jan lost the bet... *evil grinz* haha... :p
- and back home

anyway after conquering the 2 slopes i wanted to tell jan.. "hey we should do this again next week so we can build up our stamina so we can conquer CBD..." but before i could say that i felt like puking and saw double and blurred vision... and i told her... i feel like puking... so i got down the bike... pass the bike to her... walked to the grass patch.. *puked* *puked* everything just came out... haha...

she say i'm very weak recently.... my leg problem... blah blah blah.. always have problem... anyway... i'm ok la.. :p

i gotta go sleep... gotta wake up at 5.45am... eh... do u think i can? :p

bye bye... :)