Saturday, April 29, 2006

okiez... i'm supposed to be in bed at this hour...

but i just finish bathing... and i'm awake... for now...

went out supper after cell.. yeah.. and we can't find the place that's why i'm so late backz home... ok.. anyway.. the thing i'm gonna share is this...


ok.. i heard and saw this some time ago... but now thinking of it.. i mean.. it's really amazing.. and i dun think any human being would have thought of this...

ok.. one cut cross... read on ok...

there was a missionary he was sharing about Jesus... and he was caught and was sent into jail... and the king said... "i'll give you a paper, by using one cut... if you can cut out the cross... i will believe that your God is real and i'll let you go..."

so the missionary thought he couldn't figure it out.. and he prayed... and he fell asleep... and he dreamt about how to do it...

so he woke up... he started folding the paper and he manage to get it... and he can even formed 2 words... with the paper that he cut out...

with a cut... he got a cross...

okiez... he formed the word LIGHT....

with the cross (which is the "t"), there will be light...

if you take away the cross... you will go to hell...

would any human think of this??? it's just amazing lah... :)
*the story is something lie this lah... *

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

2006 Birthday Gifts

thanks to sheerui.meiyan.huilian.daniel.sherline :)

thanks to huiling.sabrina :)

thanks to TheRevels :)

thanks to xiaoting :)

thanks to jieying :)

thanks to my.MUM :)

thanks to tertiary.cell :)

thanks all those who wrote their birthday wishes for me...
thanks to sabrina.tina.pekhar.xiaoting.wendy.shuhei.caiwei.cheehoong.huiling.steven.
junhoong.wayne.jessie.jessie's friend :)

ok lah.. and mao mao!!! she say she spent alot of time doing the board thnx arh... and it's your honour lah.. to do one for me... whahahaha.. :p got blink blink de... i like... ;)

Friday, April 21, 2006

pix - lot 1 k box

thnx =)

thank God... for this... 20 16 years =D

thank God for friends who wished me happy birthday =D

msn: sabrina.tingting.ivy.huilian.huiling.vivien.rhys.celine.sheerui.kenny.
ok.. sab i guess u are first to wish me on msn =D

sms: daniel.sherline.althea.marilyn.manping.junie.selvan.violet.jessie.jolyn.jialing.jq.edna.
dan u really first.. hur hur...

phone call : adeline.scarlet
adeline is........ she woke me up at 8+AM yah.. AM while i was still sleeping.. haha.. but nvm lah.. she so cute... chatted with her for 50mins... then hang up.. cannot sleep back...
scarlet also cute la.. she called she said.. "happy birthday" then i said thank you.. then she say.. "ok bye bye" haha...

gifts: jieying(card+chocolate).sheerui+huilian+meiyan+daniel+sherline(astroboy's pillow+handmade flowers+.... ah rui say got somemore?).huiling+sabring(crumpler bag.. thnx... like it=)).mum(ermz... dun say first she say she bought it... i hope she dun bluff me... and she haven got home.. wait till she's home)

thank God for all these peepz in my life. =)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

was outz... kbox @ lot 1 with daniel.sheerui.huilian.sherline...

thnx for the cake... :)

had fun... photos be out after i received from lian/rui

after that went causeway point met with wanling.celine.ivy

had pastamania


ok... fri is coming... hmmm... really not looking forward to it...

not just because i'm gonna be older...

but... i really dunno wht to do on fri...

previously i am always in school... at least i'm outta my house...

but now... i think i'll just rotz at home...


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

was outz... went to kcpss to check out the school for the gb event...

after tht went dlt...

some pix...

when we were at the beach.. tht's mingcong...



look at the colour of our face... haha...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

i'm backz!!! n i'm bUrNtz!!!

went chalet @ changi aloha... the place was super ulu...

first day..
bought the food @ bedok giant
went to the chalet, then prepare all the food for the bbq for the next day and some prepare dinner... cooked spaghetti and chicken, not bad lah...

at night went och.... was super tiring cause we just walked and walked and walked... walk like dunno how many km... then we went changi village... 11 of us went... 11 of us all never bring money out.. wanna buy drink also cannot but meiyan got ezlink.. haha...

slept at around 3+?

second day...
was the first to woke up in my room... cannot really sleepz... woke up at 8... went to the sea there...

afew of us then went to changi beach... meiyan says.. 5 min walk! we walked like SUPER farz! then finally reach...

we didn't go inside the water at first... but it was very hot... then we were like.. ok lah.. just go inside the water... soak till 1+2? cause we were waiting for the rest who are sleeping to come meet us for lunch! because we never bring money AGAINZ!!! haha...

we were drippingz walking to the hawker... haha...

headed back to chalet... bathe then.. prepare the things for bbq... cut watermelon.. and i cooked, cause got left over spaghetti then fried it... not bad lah... hur hur.. those who eat nice hor? lian siong also say nice.. haha... and... they say the chicken wing was nice!!! i marinate de... wahahah... not badz bah... the noodle i cooked... haha..

thnx for this... i lovez it! btw.. i look drunk? i'm burntz!!!

was super tired.. sleep like at 11... woke up at 2... nudging sherline... "eh... i feel like vomiting leh" then she dunno say wht... then i think... aiyah maybe not lah.. i'll just continue to sleepz... after a while... nudge her.. "eh... i really feel like vomiting..." then she helped me to go take water... and i walked to the toilet.... i saw the toilet bowl... wah... i immediately vomit..... wah... super xing ku lah... wanna say... sherline thnx arh.... not bad arh... wahahah.. :p

third day...
packz up then check out... went tampines ate breakfast then we go shop around... then go out...

all of us... mostly lah