Tuesday, December 20, 2005


ok... i changed my blogskin... actually i just make another background... took me like less than 1 hour? hmmmm... just a simple one...

was working last week... sitting in front of the computer and type and type and type... cause i'm doing data entry... type till my eyes like wanna pop out...


have you wonder why u are celebrating christmas?

- it's just another holiday to you?
- it's a day whereby you buy gifts to others?
- it's a day you have gift exchange
- it's a day you chill out at a friend's house and have countdown?

do you know the reason why there's christmas?

for unto us a child is born (isaiah 9:6)

yes.. it's a day worth celebrating.. not because of the presents that you are going to get.. but... it's...... this.. this... this... a child was born... a child who?... JESUS...

wanna join in this celebration?

Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion proudly presents...
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!!!
venue: German Centre
time: 3:30pm
date: 24th december

Westside Anglican Church
christmas service
venue: German Centre
time: 10am
date 25th december

*feel free to approach me if you wanna come!!! all are welcome!!! :) :) :)


gonna be a busy christmas eve...
9 - dunno wht time -> do gifts
dunno wht time - dunno wht time -> rehearsal
330 - 6 -> youth fusion christmas party
6 - 11 -> ushering @ orchard

Monday, December 12, 2005


thank God!!! it's over! finished all my camps...

26 - 28 november
76th coy GB camp

1 - 4 december
GB Asian Games

6 - 8 december

10 - 12 december
Youth Fusion Camp

over over! it's over!!! so many days of not being at home.. i miss my bed... my bolster... my pillow...

these 4 camps.. alot of "first times"

gb camp
- first time having a camp with the gb gals

asian games
- first time working with people whom i dunno...
- first time organzing camps for people from other countries.

band camp
- first time not planning for band camp
- first time kena super duper saboh by them.
- first time stepping down as a president
- first time being sat in the middle with the whole band surrounding me.

hey guys.. i'm really super touched by the things that you have take time to prepare and organzied... though i never cry like stan.. hehe.. but i'm really really touched.. when i heard the first time you all play "you raised me up" it's like super touch... really really...

to the yr 2... those who played the percussion ensemble.. you guys were great... better than what we did when you were yr 1... every part.. you guys just remembered it so well.. and played it so well...

to the new committee... you guys were great! though you all were stress during the camp.. but u guys did well... there will always be things that will happen which makes you feel arrggg! i've been through that.. haha...

to shee rui... SECTION LEADER!!! hehe.. you better play well hor... and SIT UP STRAIGHT!!! dun be so slack.. dun eat during section practice... dun always play maple... dun miss me!!! hehe...

to ah lian.. hey!!! you bluff us!!! nv come for camp!!! :@ boo

youth camp
- first time doing flying fox, rock climbing and abseiling
- first time leading devotions...
- first time... i can't think of any now

woo.. the fear factor all was super cool.. scary... flying fox... when i first jump down it was like wah... scary la... abseiling.. scary! the scary part was when going out when first starting.. it's like you are going out of the building and sitting on air! oh man... rock climbing.. was not scary.. but tiing.. my hands still hurts now... i got to the top!!! yeah yeah! actually didn't wanna do it.. cause it's like everyone went.. and i'm the last to go up... but i ty lah.. :)

woohoo.. i got sore throat! haha.. i seems happy.. haha.. ok lah.. i just wanna make myself till i got no voice... haha.. i'm mad right? cause i have not try losing my voice.. till i really cannot speak those kind.. i thought that was kinda cool... wahha.. :p

ok lah.. that's all my update after so long... :)